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When applying for the NZLPE, we can help you present your qualifications in the best light!

One of the first steps towards taking the NZLPE is the Assessment Application that a candidate must submit to the New Zealand Council of Legal Education. If you can prove that your education or previous professional experience is sufficient, you may not be required to take expensive university courses before you take the examinations. This can be a tricky process.


NZLPE PREP offers potential candidates two levels of assistance:


Option 1: Qualifications Review


If you would like a preliminary determination of your assessment outcome, NZLPE PREP can review your qualifications and provide an explanation of the likelihood of your application being accepted by the New Zealand CLE. There are two standards which must be met - degree equivalence and subject equivalence.  If you cannot show degree equivalence and subject equivalence, then the Council will require you to take courses at a NZ university before you can sit for the examinations.


NZLPE PREP's qualifications review does not guarantee that you will be accepted to sit the examinations; however, if you are not sure about the equivalency of your qualifications this review would be a good first step.


This service option is available for purchase below.


Option 2: Assistance with Assessment Application 


Your Application for Assessment of your qualifications is a crucial step in the process. A well written and persuasive application can mean the difference between being allowed to sit the NZLPE versus being required to take New Zealand university courses.  Depending on your home jurisdiction and LLB, there is a chance that university credits could be assessed (usually 120 - 180 “optional law credits”; however, there is much that can be done to avoid that outcome.)


NZLPE PREP can assist you with drafting your application for assessment, based on the Council's requirements (the information brochure is attached for your reference).  This entails you gathering all the required documentation. Once NZLPE PREP has these, we will draft a covering letter approximately 6 - 8 pages in length in correspondence to the Council's standards. 


This service option is available for order below.


NZCLE, New Zealand Council of Legal Education, 

NZCL, New Zealand Council of Law, NZ, 

New Zealand Property Law, New Zealand Criminal Law, Council, Prescription, Waikato, NZLPE,

NZLPE online preparation, zealand, IPLS,

PLSC, solicitor, barrister, Jennifer Tate Thompson

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